
【港大新任校長】張翔正式獲推薦為新任校長 今星期五舉行學生見面會議

2017 年 12 月 13 日

張翔正式獲推薦為新任校長 今星期五舉行學生見面會議

【學苑專訊】教務長韋永庚於今日( 12 月 13 日)透過群發電郵宣布,新任校長遴選委員會已推薦美籍華裔工程學學者張翔為新任校長,並會於 12 月 15 日(星期五)下午的港大校務委員會會議上討論及議決。

日前已有傳媒報道[1],指遴選委員在上月 30 日已從張翔、一名港大現任教職員、一名英國學者、一名美國學者 4 名候選人中,以74通過推薦張翔為唯一新校長人選。另外,蘋果日報[2]透露張交予遴選委員會的建議書已列明港大未來發展方向應重視科研、面向中國,並接觸中國教育部,以期獲中國政府資助發展科研。

電郵亦附有關於張翔的簡單介紹[2],包括擔任美國加州理工大學伯克利分校Ernest S. Kuh講座教授(Ernest S. Kuh Endowed Chair),曾於美國勞倫斯伯克利國家實驗室工作,為美國國家工程學院之成員等。簡介亦提及張的研究曾被美國《時代》雜誌列為 2008 年十大科學發現及五十個年度最佳發明,被《發現》雜誌列為 2007 年首 100 個 科學故事等。



日期:2017 年 12 月 15 日(星期五)

時間:早上 11 時至中午 12 時






[2]蘋果日報:【港大新校長】傳張翔盼獲內地資助科研 學生憂忽略學術自由https://hk.news.appledaily.com/local/realtime/article/20171201/57527944

[3]張翔履歷簡介(Professor Xiang Zhang (Brief Biography)



Dear Students,

I am pleased to inform you that the Selection Committee for the next President & Vice-Chancellor set up by the Council has recommended the appointment of Professor Xiang Zhang as the next President & Vice-Chancellor.  The recommendation of the Selection Committee will be considered by the Council at a meeting to be held on the afternoon of December 15, 2017.

Professor Zhang is a renowned scholar with outstanding academic accomplishments.    He is currently the Ernest Kuh Endowed Chair Professor at the University of California, Berkeley, and the Director of Nano-scale Science and Engineering Center.   He also served as the Director of Materials Science Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.  Professor Zhang’s brief curriculum vitae can be viewed at: http://www.gs.hku.hk/148-1217.pdf.

Professor Zhang wishes to meet students of the University, to share with them his experience and views, and to answer their questions.  The meeting will be held in the Rayson Huang Theatre on Friday, December 15, 2017 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.

All students are invited to attend the session and meet Professor Zhang. (You will be asked to show your student card on admission to the session.)

Yours sincerely,

H.W.K. Wai

2017 年 12 月 13 日

