一、「據校方於7月17日發出之聲明,警方擅自進入大學範圍已違反現存守則,校方亦已就事件向警方投訴。你早前亦曾於7月19日晚向學生保證『警方只會於通知校方後方能進入大學範圍』。請問於上述事件中校方有否收到警方通知?如有,二村的舍監及場地管理員(site manager)有否獲通知?為何當時會沒有大學職員在場?如沒有,你會否就此事投訴或質詢警方?」
二、「警方到場後僅於現場拍照及向一名宿生就與事件無關的問題進行質問, 警方亦無意與報案人(informant)聯絡。我們相信是次事件為警方隨意展開的巡邏,以前來察看被噴於牆上及車道上的標語。你會否就此未有公布的巡視(unannounced visit)及警方在大學範圍內遊蕩(loitering)作出回應?」
三、「根據香港法例第232章《警隊條例》第54條《截停、扣留及搜查的權力》,警務人員能『在任何街道或其他公眾地方、或於任何船隻或交通工具上』對任何人進行搜身,惟《基本法》第28及29條已禁止任意或非法搜查居民的身體及任意或非法搜查、侵入居民的住宅和其他房屋。該名二村宿生於徒步離開二村時被搜身。為保護學生的權利及自由,仔細描繪(delineate)公共空間及私人範圍的邊界是十分重要的。故此,我們希望進一步查詢有關二村的地段界線(lot boundary)及誰人負責管理於賴廉士體育中心(Lindsay Ride Sports Centre)的圍欄外的磚牆。」
聯署信件全文:// President and Vice-Chancellor,
Enquiry on police entering HKU Jockey Club Student Village II
We are writing to enquire and express our discontent on police entering the premises of the HKU Jockey Club Student Village II (“JCSV2”) on 4th October 2019 at approximately 2am. Two police vehicles entered JCSV2 with approximately 20 police officers. A resident of JCSV2 was stopped, searched, and questioned on possible witness of any vandalism in JCSV2. The police left the premises upon request of HKU security.
Police officers have entered the HKU premises without prior notice repeatedly. Considering recent conflicts, seeing police officers entering HKU residential village area have caused panic and concerns from residents of the three halls.
We would therefore like to enquire the following:
1. According to a statement issued on 17th July 2019 by the University, police trespassing HKU has violated existing protocol and the University had filed a complaint accordingly. On 19th July 2019 evening, you assured students that “authorities will allow police to enter the campus only after notification”. We would like to ask whether the University has ever received any notification from the police authority about this visit?
a. If yes, were the wardens of halls in JCSV2, and the site manager informed of such visit, and why were there no University security staff at the scene?
b. If no, will you file a complaint or put questions to the police authority for such violation?
2. Upon arrival, the officers only took pictures of the scene and questioned a resident with unrelated questions to the incident. There was no intention for the police officers to contact the informant. We believe that it was a randomly initiated patrol to the slogan painted on walls and the driveway. Will you respond to the unannounced visit, and the loitering of police within HKU premises?
3. According to the Section 54 of the Police Force Ordinance (Cap 232) titled “Power to stop, detain and search”, police officers can search a person “in any street or other public place, or on board any vessel, or in any conveyance”; the Basic Law of HKSAR Article 28 & Article 29 prohibits arbitrary search of the body of resident being done; and arbitrary or unlawful search of, or intrusion into, a resident’s home or other premises are prohibited. The resident was being searched while walking out of JCSV2. It is important to delineate the boundary between public space and private premises to protect the rights and freedoms of students. Therefore, we would like to acquire further information on:
. the lot boundary of JCSV2; and
a. who has the responsibility to manage the brick walls outside the LRSC fence in JCSV2.
4. The University authorities have no clear provisions on what circumstances the police may enter the University premises. Despite your claims that there are protocols in your statement on 17th July 2019. Considering conflicts between police and the general public escalated rapidly in the past few months, we believe HKU students and residents of halls will feel reassured if the protocol and procedures are clearly stated. Furthermore, we believe that
a. HKU security should approach the informant of the case and comprehend the situation before the police enter the premise.
b. The informant of the case, under the company of HKU staff or security, should come forward and assist the investigation. .
c. The whole investigation should be accompanied by more than one HKU securities, the warden and one tutor of the hall and an executive committee member from the responsible hall students’ association
to ensure a proper investigation is being conducted in order to prevent the police from trespassing other areas.
Many hallmates are deeply concerned about this incident, actions have to be taken promptly to reassure them of their privacy and safety in these times of turmoil. Appended please see the pictures taken by hallmates on 4th October 2019. Thank you for your kind attention and we are looking forward to your prompt reply.
Hornell Hall Students’ Association, HKUSU
Lady Ho Tung Hall Students’ Association, HKUSU
Lee Chi Hung Hall Students’ Association, HKUSU
Lee Hysan Hall Students’ Association, HKUSU
Lee Shau Kee Hall Students’ Association, HKUSU
Morrison Hall Students’ Association, HKUSU
R.C. Lee Hall Students’ Association, HKUSU
Ricci Hall Students’ Association, HKUSU
Simon K.Y. Lee Hall Students’ Association, HKUSU
St. John’s College Students’ Association, HKUSU
Starr Hall Students’ Association, HKUSU
Suen Chi Sun Hall Students’ Association, HKUSU
Swire Hall Students’ Association, HKUSU
University Hall Students’ Association, HKUSU
Wei Lun Hall Students’ Association, HKUSU//