首先,會議被指出違反評議會議事規則甲部第二條(Order 2, Section A, Standing Orders of HKUSU Council)[1],該條文指出在評議會主席出缺的情況下,應從出席的評議員中選出該會議的署理主席,而擁有最高順序(highest order of precedence)的評議員應為會議召集人(Convenor),但由召集人主持會議的唯一目的是選出署理評議會主席。在是次會議起始,文學院學生會代表吳家齊作為會議召集人接收第一號議案,將原來的A3議程(選出評議會主席;To elect the Chairperson of Union Council)的議程調至A4議程(選出評議會榮譽秘書;To elect the Honorary Secretary of Union Council)之後。然而,根據甲部第二條,吳作為召集人只有選出署理主席的權限,因此吳調動議程一行為違反了議事規則。
其次,會議被指出違反學生會憲章第七節第五d條(Article 5(d), Section VII, Constitution of HKUSU)[2]及評議會議事規則甲部第二條[1],相關條文在未有列明選出評議會主席的票數門檻,所以根據評議會議事規則壬部第五條(Order 5, Section I, Standing Orders of HKUSU Council)[3],應以簡單多數制(simple majority)形式進行表決,亦即只要贊成票超過反對票,同時贊成票與反對票合共超過棄權票,議案即被視為通過。於上次會議,在去屆社科學會代表崔俊晟申請出任署理評議會主席的議案被否決後,行政秘書馬浩天其後申請出任,議案獲16票贊成、8票反對、3票棄權,但會議召集人、文學院學生會代表吳家齊認為議案需要以三分二門檻(two-third majority)通過,並宣布議案被否決,最後法律學會代表張敬生在27票贊成、0票反對、2票棄權下,獲委任為署理評議會主席直至下次會議開始。
註[1]:Order 2, Section A, Standing Orders of HKUSU Council: “In the absence of the Council Chairperson, Councillors present at the meeting may elect one among themselves to act as Council Chairperson of that particular meeting; the person so elected shall enjoy all powers conferred by these Standing Orders on the Council Chairperson at that particular meeting. The Councillor with the highest order of precedence shall act as convenor of the meeting for, and only for, the purpose of electing an acting Council Chairperson.”
註[2]:Article 5(d), Section VII, Constitution of HKUSU: “In the event that the Chairperson of the Union Council being unfilled or falling vacant, the Union Council shall appoint an acting Chairperson before a new Chairperson is elected at the subsequent Union Council Meeting.”
註[3]:Order 5, Section I, Standing Orders of HKUSU Council: “Unless otherwise provided in the Constitution or Standing Orders, a motion shall be declared carried if the number of votes cast for a motion or amendment exceeds the number of votes cast against the said motion or amendment, and the aggregate number of the votes for and against the said motion or amendment exceeds the number of abstain votes.”
去屆社科學會代表崔俊晟尋求出任署理評議會主席及榮譽秘書 獲委任為榮譽秘書但署理主席議案被否決 最後評議會委任法律學會代表張敬生為是次會議署理評議會主席 www.undergrad.hk/18899
評議會褫奪美國學會屬會資格 www.undergrad.hk/18892
學生會中央幹事會疏忽管理學生會大樓房間 評議會通過遺憾動議並要求其提交書面回覆及道歉 www.undergrad.hk/18902