香港大學學生會學苑即時新聞 Undergrad, H.K.U.S.U. Instant News

評議會消息:評議會主席黃浩揚匯報學生會憲章修訂建議 【學苑專訊】評議會第九次常務會議昨日(10 月 20 日)下午五時在評議會議事廳召開。會上評議會主席兼修憲委員會主席黃浩揚匯報本年學生會憲章修訂建議。 學生會憲章修訂建議分三部分:其一為格式和統一性(Format and Consistency),例如將憲章內所有 「Full Members…


【學苑專訊】評議會第九次常務會議昨日(10 月 20 日)下午五時在評議會議事廳召開。會上評議會主席兼修憲委員會主席黃浩揚匯報本年學生會憲章修訂建議。

學生會憲章修訂建議分三部分:其一為格式和統一性(Format and Consistency),例如將憲章內所有 「Full Members of the Union」字眼改為「Union Full Members」;其二為評議會架構重組(Union Council Restructuring);其三為關於校園電視部分的修訂,包括將「Creative Director」重新命名為「Art Director」。

其中黃浩揚稱第二部分關於評議會架構重組的修訂是最具爭議的地方。此部分主要有三處修訂:第一,憲章第七章第六條評議會組成(Composition)將改作第四條,刪去「The following shall be Members of the Union Council」,並新增「The following shall be Union Councillors」及「The following shall be Official Observers」的條文。準附屬(partially affiliated)舍堂宿生會/學生會代表及準附屬代表院會代表將被明文規定成為法定觀察員,去屆會長亦會由評議員變成法定觀察員一員。〔1〕憲章裏「Member of the Union Council」的字眼亦會改作「Union Councillor」。



憲章原 Section VII Article 6:
Article 6 – COMPOSITION (Amended in GP6 2013)
The following shall be Members of the Union Council:
a) Chairperson of the Union Council
b) Honorary Secretary of the Union Council (non-voting)
c) All Union Executives
d) Two representatives from the executive committee of the Sports Association
e) Two representatives from the executive committee of the Cultural Association
f) Two representatives from the executive committee of the Independent Clubs Association
g) The elected representative of each Hall Association as recognized by the Union Council
h) The elected representative of each Faculty Society
i) The ten Popularly Elected Union Councillors
j) President of the previous Union Session
k) Editor-in-Chief of the Undergrad (non-voting)
l) Chairperson of the Campus TV (non-voting)

Article 4 – COMPOSITION (Amended in GP2 2016)
a) The following shall be Union Councillors:
i) Chairperson of the Union Council
ii) Honorary Secretary of the Union Council
iii) All Union Executives
iv) Two representatives from the executive committee of the Sports Association
v) Two representatives from the executive committee of the Cultural Association
vi) Two representatives from the executive committee of the Independent Clubs Association
vii) The elected representative of each fully affiliated Hall Students’ Association
viii) The elected representative of each fully affiliated Faculty Society
ix) The ten Popularly Elected Union
x) Editor-in-Chief of the Undergrad
xi) Chairperson of the Campus TV

b) The following shall be Official Observers:
i) President of the previous Union Session
ii) The elected representative of each partially affiliated Hall Students’ Association
iii) The elected representative of each partially affiliated Faculty Society

MOTIONS (Appended in GP2 2016)
a) The Chairperson of the Union Council shall not move, second and vote upon motions, except when he/she is vacated from
the chair. (Amended in GP2 2016)
b) The Honorary Secretary of the Union Council shall have the right to speak, but not the right to move, second and vote upon
motions. (Amended in GP2 2016)
c) Union Councillors, except those specified in Article 7(a) & (b) of this Section, shall have the right to speak, move, second and vote upon motions. (Amended in GP2 2016)
d) Official Observers shall have the right to speak, but not the right to move, second and vote upon motions. (Amended in
GP2 2016)

2016 年 10 月 21 日

