學生事務長梁若芊博士今日( 3 月 31 日)透過電郵 [1] 通知學生,校方將就學生發展及資源中心(下稱 CEDARS)兼併通識教育部(下稱 GEU)一事於 4 月 10 日,下午 5 時 45 分至 7 時 15 分在梁銶琚樓 LG1 (KKLG) 109 室舉行學生論壇,校方出席代表包括梁博士本人及通識教育部助理總監黃志淙博士。
電郵中提到,校方將於今年 8 月開始有關合併程序,而相關計劃得到副校長(教學)兼 GEU 總監何立仁全力支持(full support)。該計劃目前建議將 GEU 變為 CEDARS 其中一個活動團隊(Programme team),並會與 CEDARS 四個部門(Campus Life, Careers & Placement, Counselling & Person Enrichment, Student Development)合作。電郵末指,如同學對該方案有任何意見,可於 4 月 10 日前電郵至 [email protected]。
[1] 學生事務長發出之電郵
Dear Students,
You are invited to a Student Forum to discuss the integration of the General Education Unit (GEU) into the Centre of Development and Resources for Students (CEDARS) in August 2017.
Date: 10 April (Monday)
Time: 5:45 p.m. to 7:15 p.m.
Venue: KKLG 109
Dr Eugenie Leung, Dean of Student Affairs
Dr Chi Chung Wong, Assistant Director of General Education
With the full support of Professor Ian Holliday, Vice-President (Teaching & Learning) and Director of General Education, this integration will bring a more synergistic approach of developing the GE Programme and CEDARS co-curricular activities, with more coordinated resource allocation especially in terms of human resources and office facilities. This will enable the two offices to turn into one co-curricular learning hub for student engagement and whole-person development.
It is proposed that the GEU will turn into the Programme team in CEDARS and has a cross-over with all four current sections (Campus Life, Careers & Placement, Counselling & Person Enrichment, Student Development) in CEDARS. We hope that with this integration, we will foster strategic developments in arts and cultural experiences, green lifestyle, local excursions, student engagement, community service, thematic public lectures, social-cultural integration programmes, and diversity and inclusion.
We will present our preliminary plan on the day and hope to hear your comments and suggestions at this forum. You may also send in your comments to [email protected] before 10 April 2017.
Looking forward to seeing and hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Eugenie Leung
Dean of Student Affairs