香港大學學生會學苑即時新聞 Undergrad, H.K.U.S.U. Instant News

圖書館新出入口啟用 原出口關閉造成不便 【學苑專訊】圖書館大樓位於二樓的新出入口於昨日(6月20日)正式啟用。惟位於地下的原出入口現改為只作入口使用。本刊以電郵形式查詢關閉原出口原因、及重開原出口的可能[1]。 圖書館公共關係及發展經理 Gary E.Chin 回覆指新出入口早於八年前開始策劃,而用意一直為取代在地下的原有出入口,而基於資金、保安及空間問題,又考慮到港大圖書館的複雜性(a library with complexity…



圖書館公共關係及發展經理 Gary E.Chin 回覆指新出入口早於八年前開始策劃,而用意一直為取代在地下的原有出入口,而基於資金、保安及空間問題,又考慮到港大圖書館的複雜性(a library with complexity such as ours),開啟一個或以上的出口並不是理想的做法(undesirable)。他解釋,由於現有人手不足以控制兩個出入口,如有人士從地下出口離開時觸發感應器(book detection gate),職員便需要走上二樓的服務處尋求協助,如此一來將造成不便。

電郵亦指,教務委員會圖書館委員會(Senate Library Committee)將於下次會議中討論有關地下出入口的事宜,若有合理需求而有足夠資源開設新的感應器及增加人手,便有可能再次開放原有出口以供使用。


Q1. What is the force driving the Library to close the exit point at G/F?

The new entrance was initially planned for by the Project Group for Centennial Campus & Main Campus Redevelopment more than 8 years ago and was always intended to replace the existing Ground Floor entrance. More than 1 exit in a library with complexity such as ours, is highly undesirable and extremely rare due to reasons of cost, security and space. The new main entrance was created to better integrate into the human traffic flow emanating from the Centennial Campus, University Street, and the new MTR stations. The current setting will centralize the security and library services at the new main entrance with better patron experience, security and environmental control. Our existing manpower is not sufficient to operate two exits with regular opening hours. Patrons will need to go from the G/F to 2/F service counter to seek help or wait for a library staff to attend to alarms triggered by the G/F book detection gate on their departure. Senate Library Committee (SLC) members suggested to review the manpower of Level 3 information counter and see if any flexible arrangement can be made.

Q2/Q3. Is it possible to reopen the exit at G/F? Why?

The usage of the G/F entrance will be closely monitored in the coming few months for further discussion at the next SLC meeting. If the need is justified and resources are available for installation of an additional book detection gate as well as staffing for the G/F exit, it is possible to reopen the old exit on G/F. However, the location of the entrance and exit will be another issue for SLC’s deliberation as the existing entrance foyer and lobby can be converted into much needed learning spaces for students. A new location for the G/F entrance/exit may be a possible solution subject to the coming review.

2016 年 6 月 21 日

