新聞香港大學學生會學苑即時新聞 Undergrad, H.K.U.S.U. Instant News



昨日( 4 月 13 日)教務長韋永庚發電郵[1]通知有關校務委員會(下稱校委會)及教務委員會(下稱教委會)本科生代表之事宜,由於有兩位參選人競逐一個校委會本科生代表一席位,故須於 4 月 24 日上午 10 時至 28 日下午 5 時進行網上投票,結果將於投票完結後同日公布,任期將於 5 月 3 日開始,投票詳情將有待進一步通知,兩名候選人已呈交其參選宣言。

校委會候選人香港大學學生會會長黃政鍀的參選宣言設有中英文版本[2]。黃認為近年校委會發生不少「腐朽」的事,自己會擔當監察校委會,守護院校的角色。在介紹信中,黃指出 6 項若成功當選後一年任期內的主要工作,如要求校委會公開「檢討大學管治專責小組報告」和檢討大學的國際化政策,跟進港大深圳醫院拖欠校方資金一事及監察校長與副校長的遴選進度等。黃表示打算將於下星期舉行校委會本科生代表的諮詢,並將邀請另一名候選人 Faizan Anwar Nomani 到場。

另一候選人 Faizan Anwar Nomani 是一名工程學系第一部分的基本會員。根據他的英語參選宣言(statement)[3],他認為校委會處理校內重要的事務,如財務、準則規定(regulations)和新聞報道(press),以幫助學校更有效率地運作並保存其完整性。他又指出校委會成員有重大的責任去管理財務、草擬章程(statutes)和處理大學緊急事務,並認為自己有能力勝任此職位。他亦表示自己以往有處理學校事務的相關經驗,具備良好的管治、決策能力等,惟信中未有詳述其以往經驗的細節以及其經驗與校委會工作的關係。本刊聯絡 Faizan Anwar Nomani 並希望與他進行一個採訪,讓同學能了解一下校委會本科生代表候選人的想法,惟截稿前並未回覆。

教委會方面,由於只有兩位同學,分別為香港大學學生會幹事會內務副會長陳希朗及去屆會長孫曉嵐參選,故此二人將分別於今年 6 月 7 日及 5 月 3 日開始成為教委會之成員。


Notice of Polling (On-line Voting) for an Election of 1 Full-time Undergraduate Student to the Council


Faizan Anwar Nomani’s statement for Election to Council

‘I am an year one undergraduate, studying BEng at The University of Hong Kong. At our university, important matters of finance, regulations and press are addressed by the council, which contributes to efficient functioning of our institution, and preserving it’s integrity. I would like to serve our university and contribute to it’s progress by joining the Council.

A council member is entrusted with immense responsibilities of managing matters of finance, drafting statutes, and attending to university’s urgent needs. I firmly believe that my capabilities make me a worthy candidate for the election to the Council. Previous involvement in regulatory matters of my school events have provided me with confidence, managing skills and decision making ability. I have gained leadership skills while dealing with such events, and those have prepared me to confront such challenges with all due responsibility.

I assure you, that my deeds will be conducted with utmost sincerity and commitment. It would be my pleasure in contributing towards our university’s progress and advancement. Thank You for your time.’

2017 年 4 月 14 日

