【學苑專訊】為改善學生長期放置物品「霸位」的情況,智華館將於 10 月 22 日起推行新措施,保安人員將於合理時間內移走座位上無人看管的物品,騰出空位予其他同學使用。學生須於短時間內認領物品,屢犯者有可能被罰禁入智華館。教學副校長何立仁(Ian Holliday)批評霸位(seat hogging)乃自私之舉,並期望新措施可早日禁絕有關問題。
何立仁向師生發電郵公布新措施細節 [1],他透露不少學生向校方反映智華館的座位常被他人物品霸佔,令有需要的同學未能使用。校方更發現有個別學生長期霸位作儲物之用,使其不能忍受。何續指館方已多次勸阻涉事學生,惟其成效不彰,故決定於本月 22 日上午九時起採取更嚴厲措施,打擊不當霸位行為。
位於百周年校園的智華館在 2012 年落成啟用,提供達 6000 平方米的學習研討空間,至今深受同學歡迎。由於座位不足,不少同學習慣於離座時擺放個人物品,以防座位被人佔用。情況於考試季節更為普遍,智能電話、手提電腦等貴重財物在無人看管下被隨處亂放,以致校園盜竊案急增。校方遂於去年加強智華館的保安措施,包括關閉所有感應式閘門,所有師生須拍卡方可出入。
[1] 何立仁電郵全文
IMPORTANT: New arrangements for use of the Chi Wah Learning Commons
Dear Students, During the recent online Student Learning Space Experience Survey, many students took the opportunity to tell us how unhappy they are with some students leaving their belongings at study spaces in the Chi Wah Learning commons thus preventing other students from using those spaces.
Each year demand for study spaces in the Chi Wah Learning Commons increases, but sadly, so do the numbers of students who feel it is fair to reserve space for themselves by leaving their belongings behind and “hogging” valuable study space. We even have some extreme cases of people using the Learning Commons as their own personal storage facility, which we cannot tolerate.
The Chi Wah Learning Commons and other study areas are provided for the benefit of all HKU students. We have tried several ways to dissuade students from this selfish behaviour with no success, therefore, starting at 9am on Monday 22nd October 2018 we will be implementing a new system.
Every hour of the day, security officers patrol the Chi Wah Learning Commons for your safety and security, from the 22nd October, the security guards will also be looking out for study spaces that are not occupied but have personal belongings (laptops, books, bags papers etc.) left unattended preventing other students from using the space. If, after a reasonable period, Security find the items still unattended, they will remove those items thus enabling other students to use the space. In the short term, unattended personal belongings will be held at the 1st and 2nd floor security desks, and if not collected will be passed to the main Security and Parking Unit as “lost and found”.
Students will be required to identify themselves when retrieving items and repeated infringements may mean a loss of access to the Learning Commons.
I and sorry and disappointed that we have to implement these measures in order to ensure that the small number of students engaging in seat hogging stop this practice as soon as possible.
Professor Ian Holliday