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失蹤校長張翔終於現身 就上週聯署信發電郵作回應








一、「我重申我反對任何人士使用任何形式的暴力。我們急切需要以和平理性的方式交換意見,而港大必須能夠達到這個目的。」(I reiterate that I am against any form of violence by any party. We urgently need exchange of views in a peaceful and rational manner and HKU must be able to serve this purpose.)

二、「我們先前已就決定警察可否進入校園的原則及做法作解釋。」(Furthermore, we have explained to the campus community our principles and practice regarding police entry onto University property.)(根據校方於10月18日發出的新聞稿,校方不會容許警方進入校園範圍,除了以下兩個情況:第一、警方收到999報名;警方會先通知港大保安,在警察進入校園之前保安會在特定位置會面警察;至於位置較偏遠的舍堂,則按情況而定,有可能安排在舍堂的保安負責會面警察。第二、警方有法庭發出的搜查令;校方屆時會派人到場觀察警方行為,確保警方沒有做出超越搜查令所賦予權力的行為。)

三、「最重要的是,我關心各位同學的人身安全及健康,了解及幫助他們是我們的道德責任及作為個人關懷的角色(的責任)。我與中央管理小組有和受局勢不穩影響的學生會面,於某些個案中我們亦有接觸其家人,以滿足他們的需要。我早前於七月成立的學生支援小組及CEDARS提供緊急支援,確保學生能獲得法律意見、輔導及其他有需要的服務。我們的院長、各舍堂及宿舍的舍監及老師亦有主動與學生接觸及保持聯絡。」(Most important of all, I care about the safety and well-being of our students and it is our moral obligation and pastoral care role to understand and help them.  The SMT and I have been meeting with students involved in the unrest, and in some cases we have contacted their families, to attend to their needs and concerns. The Student Support Team that I established in July and CEDARS provide urgent support, ensuring students have access to legal advice, counselling and other necessary services. Our Faculty Deans, Hall Wardens, College Masters and teachers have also reached out to students and stayed engaged with them.)

四、「我與中央管理小組同樣相信與同學保持持續聯繫是十分重要的。我們也曾在不同場合與同學進行討論,亦會繼續這做法。」(The SMT and I believe that ongoing engagement with students is very important.  We have held discussions with students at various occasions in different manners and will continue to do so.)

2019 年 10 月 28 日

