香港大學校務委員會(下稱校委會)會議今日( 2 月 28 日)於鈕魯詩樓召開。早前有傳北京大學光華管理學院前院長、兼江西省全國人大代表及北京市政協蔡洪濱有機會接替即將卸任的張介教授(Professor Eric C. Chang),接任經濟及工商管理學院院長[1]。今午 5 時 40 分,校長馬斐森向港大師生發電郵[2],宣布校委會正式委任蔡擔任經濟及工商管理學院院長,並將於今年7月1日上任,為期 5 年。
校委會同時委任奧克蘭大學心理學系主任Professor William Hayward為社會科學學院院長,他曾於中大和港大任教心理系,並曾於 2008 年至 2013 年擔任港大心理學系主任。另外,署理學生事務長梁若芊博士正式上任,梁曾為學生資源及發展中心(Cedars) 的輔導及心理培育總監。此外, 教育學院現任副院長Professor David Carless(卡理思教授)被委任為教育學院臨時院長,直至下任院長Professor A. Lin Goodwin於本年 11 月接任。
Message from Professor Peter Mathieson, President and Vice-Chancellor
Dear Colleagues, Students and Alumni,
I am pleased to inform you that the Council, at its meeting on February 28, 2017, has approved the following deanship appointments:
Dean of Business and Economics
Professor Hongbin Cai has been appointed as the next Dean of Business and Economics for a term of five years, to succeed Professor Eric Chang who will step down from his deanship on July 1, 2017. Professor Cai is currently Professor in Economics at the Guanghua School of Management of Peking University. He was the Dean of the School from December 2010 to January 2017 during which he had gained ample administrative and leadership experience. He is a highly accomplished scholar specialised in game theory, Chinese economy, industrial organization and corporate finance. He is a Chang Jiang Scholar awarded by the Ministry of Education of China in 2008 and a National Outstanding Young Researcher awarded by the National Science Foundation of China (NFSC) from 2008 to 2011. He is elected as a Fellow of the Econometric Society, a rare recognition in economics with only a few hundred fellows in the world. Through his membership in the Council, the Organizational Committee and the Fellow Nomination Committee of the Econometric Society, the recognition he received from the economics profession in the world is well demonstrated. Given his illustrious profile, I am confident that he will take the Faculty of Business and Economics to the next level and to lead the Faculty to excel academically both in the region and globally.
Dean of Social Sciences
Professor William Hayward has been appointed as the next Dean of Social Sciences, also for a term of five years, to succeed Professor John Burns who will step down from his deanship on September 1, 2017. Professor Hayward is currently Professor (Chair) and Head of the School of Psychology at the University of Auckland. He is a highly accomplished scholar whose research focuses on how people make sense of the visual world around them. Prior to his joining the University of Auckland, he was the Head of the Department of Psychology at HKU from 2008 until 2013 and many colleagues may know him. As the Head of two leading Psychology programmes in the Asia-Pacific region, Professor Hayward has extensive experience with many different aspects of academic leadership, including people management, teaching and learning, research strategy and investment and financial management. Professor Hayward is a communicative administrator and leader with strong interpersonal and team-building skills. I strongly believe that he will lead the Faculty of Social Sciences to new heights and achieve greater academic excellence regionally and internationally.
Dean of Student Affairs
The Council also appointed Dr. Eugenie Leung as the next Dean of Student Affairs, with immediate effect for three years. Dr. Leung joined the University as the Director of Counselling and Person Enrichment in the Centre of Development and Resources for Students (CEDARS) in 2006. Being a registered clinical psychologist, she was engaged in clinical practice in Hong Kong and Canada before joining HKU. With her over 10 years of service in HKU as a student counsellor as well as her excellent communication skills, Dr. Leung is conversant with the work of CEDARS and has developed close relationship with students. She has taken up the role of Acting Dean of Student Affairs since January 1, 2016 right after the departure of Dr. Albert Chau, the former incumbent. Through the acting deanship appointment, she has shown herself to be a competent leader, capable of communicating effectively with both the students and the University Management, and steering a steady development of CEDARS.
Interim Dean of Education
Since the current Dean of Education, Professor Stephen Andrews, will retire effective from August 1, 2017 and the new Dean, Professor A. Lin Goodwin, is expected to report for duty on November 1, 2017, the Council has approved Professor David Carless, who has been Associate Dean (Learning & Teaching) since December 1, 2014, to be the interim Dean of Education with effect from August 1, 2017, until the arrival of Professor Goodwin. Professor Carless joined the University as an Associate Professor in September 2005 and was promoted to Professor in July 2012. He has taken up a number of leadership roles in the Faculty over the past years, including Head of the Division of English Language Education (from February 2009 to April 2013), Programme Director of the Doctor of Education (EdD) programme (from September 2013 to December 2014), and currently Chair of the Faculty Teaching and Learning Quality Committee. With his experience as Associate Dean and in his other administrative roles, he is familiar with the administration of the Faculty. He is expected to carry the responsibilities of the Dean in all aspects during the specific interim period.
2. Please join me in welcoming Professor Hongbin Cai and Professor Will Hayward to the University, and Dr. Eugenie Leung and Professor David Carless to their new positions and I hope you would give them your unwavering support.
3. I would like to once again thank Professor Eric Chang, Professor John Burns and Professor Stephen Andrews for their collaborative leadership and distinguished service in leading their Faculties. Professor Eric Chang will continue his academic pursuit and contribution to the University as Chung Hon-Dak Professorship in Finance; and Professor: Chair of Finance in the School of Economics and Finance and the School of Business after stepping down as Dean. Professor John Burns and Professor Stephen Andrews will retire after the expiry of their deanships and I wish both of them a happy and fruitful retirement!
Professor Peter Mathieson
President and Vice-Chancellor