香港大學學生會學苑即時新聞 Undergrad, H.K.U.S.U. Instant News

【學苑即時】19:50 以下為香港大學校務委員會就剛才會議對傳媒的回應(中英文版本): 香港大學校務委員會就2016年2月23日會議的傳媒回應 香港大學校務委員會 (校委會) 今日宣布,有鑑於馮敬恩先生拒絕承諾不採取任何可能直接或間接影響校委會成員、大學職員以及其他人士的人身安全的行動,校委會以大比數投票通過要求馮敬恩先生離開會議。 校委會考慮到馮先生的某些行動可能直接或間接影響校委會會議現場的委員、大學職員以及其他人士的人身安全,因此要求馮先生簽署簡單書面承諾書,應允以後不會採取任何影響委員、大學職員以及其他人士的人身安全的行動。 校委會向馮先生提出再考慮簽署有關人身安全承諾書,並在出席下次校委會會議時給予回覆。 校委會重申要求馮先生於會議中途離開並不是對馮先生的懲罰;有關不作出任何影響校委會成員、大學職員以及其他人士的人身安全的承諾書,是確保校委會會議可安全、有秩序和有效地進行。 完…

【學苑即時】19:50 以下為香港大學校務委員會就剛才會議對傳媒的回應(中英文版本):


香港大學校務委員會 (校委會) 今日宣布,有鑑於馮敬恩先生拒絕承諾不採取任何可能直接或間接影響校委會成員、大學職員以及其他人士的人身安全的行動,校委會以大比數投票通過要求馮敬恩先生離開會議。




Media response on the HKU Council meeting on February 23, 2016

The Council of the University of Hong Kong confirms that Mr Fung Jing En, Billy, has been requested to leave today’s council meeting due to him declining to undertake not to take any actions which might directly or indirectly lead to the safety of any Council members, University staff and others being put at risk. The decision to ask Mr Fung to leave the meeting was put to the vote and was agreed by a majority of Council members.

The Council has considered actions of Mr Fung might have directly or indirectly led to the safety of Council members, University staff and others at meetings of Council being put at risk and invited him to provide a simple written undertaking that he would not take any steps which might directly or indirectly lead to the safety of any Council members, University staff and others being put at risk.

Mr Fung has been invited to consider his position further and attend at the next meeting of Council to respond to the safety concerns raised.

The Council wishes to emphasise that the decision to suspend Mr Fung from the rest of the meeting should not be construed as a penalty. The undertaking as to safety is an important foundation to ensure that Council meetings can be conducted in a safe, orderly and effective manner.


2016 年 2 月 23 日

