香港大學學生會學苑即時新聞 Undergrad, H.K.U.S.U. Instant News

盧劻業電郵眾評議員 澄清其現為醫學會幹事及醫學會代表


譚於第九次緊急會議前,裁定二零一三年度香港大學學生會醫學會選舉無效,事源該次選舉的選舉監察官(Returning Officer)未經譚委任,違反評議會附例Section Eleven) II),醫學會幹事會暫時懸空,其評議會席亦告懸空。

及後,醫學會評議會發出聲明,指出評議會附例與醫學會憲章中有關選舉部分有歧意。前者要求選舉監察官由評議會主席委任;後者則要求選舉監察官醫學會選舉委員會指派,故該次選舉符合醫學會憲章,但未符合評議會附例要求,有待商榷。此外,根據醫學會憲章Section IV) Article 2) ,醫學會幹事會任期應持續到下屆幹事會當選為止,故盧劻業現時仍為評議會醫學會代表。

盧於電郵中,再次闡述醫學會評議會的觀點,並對譚振聲處理事件時屢次越權表示不滿,質疑其是否有適合及有能力出任評議會主席一職。另外,盧於電郵中以中文寫了一段備註,「譚先生,若你天良未泯,請於本周內召開評議會會議,只怕你自欺欺人,日復一日,泥足深陷;陳會長,假若譚先生未能克盡己任召開會議,根據憲章,你應擔此大任。既然重責在你,不才斗膽提醒一句:請好好準備會議細節,望勿再逞一時之快,藉mass email 隔空謾罵,揮灑大好光陰」。


Dear all,

I am writing to provide a clarification of my status as a current member of the Executive Committee, Medical Society, as well as my eligibility to be remain as the MSR of the union council.

On 1/1/2013. just prior to the ECM 9, Mr Tam Chun Sing declared that the position of MSR in the union council should be temporarily vacant, based on his own judgement that the annual election 2013 of Medical Society was void, due to the absence of returning officers ,whom should be appointed by Council Chairperson himself. According to Tam, with the unsuccessfully held election, the seats of executive committee, MS, would be vacant, thereafter the case of MSR.

However, according to the Constitution of Medical Society, HKUSU, Section IV ,Article 2 : ” The Term of Office shall be from 1st Jan (or any date after 1st Jan., when the Executive Committee is elected) to 31 st Dec.of the next year (or any date after 31 st Dec., when the new Executive Committee is elected) ” . Such terms provide us with an insight that the Executive Committee, MS , session 2012, shall remain in term of office for the time being. And me, as the current External Vice-chairperson, shall continue to represent Medical Society as MSR and to fulfill the appointment made in the last Annual General Meeting of MS held in 2012, until the new appointment is to be made in the next AGM. Such issue was raised in the Medical Student Council and statement was released to clarify the fact. (please see the attached statement)

Moreover, concerning the validity of the annual election 2013, MS, together with my status as MSR, Tam has once again acted beyond his authority, by making ruling and judgement without any previous discussion or resolution in the meeting. This strongly violated his duty as a council chairperson and had once again insulted the union council as a whole. Having witnessed his repeated unscrupulous acts that were detrimental to the reputation of union council, I strongly doubt his suitability and capability of being the council chairperson.

With the aforementioned, I hereby express my soaring anger and disappointment in Tam’s ruling. I hope that union council can have a meeting soon in the near future to deal with various matters ,especially concerning the annual election and the motion of no-confidence moved against Tam (which in both cases, unfortunately, Tam has once again failed us, by continuously either ignoring or rejecting councilors’ requests for council meetings with unjustified reasons ), on which I shall be the legitimate MSR to speak for MS , and for the sake of HKUSU again.

譚先生,若你天良未泯,請於本周內召開評議會會議,只怕你自欺欺人,日復一日,泥足深陷 ;
陳會長,假若譚先生未能克盡己任召開會議,根據憲章,你應擔此大任。既然重責在你,不才斗膽提醒一句:請好好準備會議細節,望勿再逞一時之快,藉mass email 隔空謾罵,揮灑大好光陰

Lo Hong Yip
MSR 12′








2013 年 1 月 28 日

