不過,按照憲章Section VII) Article 8) d) ,「In the event of a proposed motion of no-confidence moving against the Chairperson of the Union Council, if the Chairperson does not convene the Union Council Meeting within fourteen days upon receipt of the notice in part (b), the following Union Council Members shall, in accordance with the below priority rules, convene the Meeting to consider the motion upon a requisition signed by not less than one-thirds of the Union Council Members:
i) The President of the previous Union Session
ii) The President of the Union
iii) A Union Council Member elected among those signing the requisition」,主席須於收到不信任通議的14天內(within fourteen days upon receipt of the notice)召開評議會,否則應由其他評議員(去屆會長/會長/議案聯署人互選)署任主席主持該會議。以1月4日開始計算,14日之限應以今日(1月18日)作結,換言之,若譚振聲今日不召開評議會會議,他將失去主持該會議之權利。按照評議會附例Section Three) V) 2) ,評議會緊急會議通知須於該會議前24小時發出,如譚欲於今晚前召開會議,他須於昨晚發出通知,惟譚至今仍未有發出有關通知,邏輯上,譚已無權主持是次會議,評議會須任命其他評議員主持會議。